Wednesday 31 May 2017

Selfie Writting

Success criteria
Sentence beginnings
Verbs and Nouns
Selfie Writing - 2nd Draft
I was just walking down to the  beach of California and what's that? That over there oh, it's such a beautiful rock and it was painted . Wait WHAT it’s it’s me what? . I rubbed my eyes and it was still here I once again rubbed them again and it was still there so I kept walking. Then when I came closer to the rock ( to be truthful I really thought it was amazing ) I saw there were hearts as you know I am supergirl. As this was just getting in my brain I thought Wow I love my fans”. And then Oh all the Paparazzi started running up with their

cameras and phones sounding like a swarm of rattlesnakes shaking their tails.  I was just like Oh, Um, hi/bye .  I flew up up and away and smiled for some photos in the air than flew away like supergirl  .

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