Wednesday 31 May 2017

Halloween madness

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“Mum where’s my costume” screams Abby “it’s in the closet ” said mum. Abby ran and got it she was mumbling
“ where’s my unicorn” I opened the closet and what is that?. A  knight a. . . a viking. I got it on and I hated it. MUMMY why did you buy me this . “it looks so cute on you” said mum Abby fround and got her lolly basket and went trick or treat at one house a kid opened the door and stole a hand full of candy. She screamed and ran to the next house to get candy with her friend when she got home. Abby left the candy on the bench and walked to get changed into her pj’s , when she came back down the stairs the candy basket was gone.

Screenshot 2016-05-30 at 10.31.57.png 

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