Wednesday 31 May 2017

selfie writting draft Ella

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Success criteria
Sentence beginnings
Verbs and Nouns
Photo writing
One day I was walking down the street on my holiday . . . Well not so much. I was jumping from roof to roof as in my supergirl suit on a mission looking for joker. As I was jumping over an alleyway as I saw a purple hat and I guessed it was joker so I jumped down . Then saw it was, so I and flew up with joker under my arm and took him to jail .On the way back to my headquarters  and told Superman that I captured joker he was embarrassed because he had tried to catch him before and failed . The next day Superman and I were walking down one of the main streets in new york and there were lots of billboards around, out of  the side of my eye , me on a billboard , in my uniform on the big board so I told superman and he was having a straight face on.
(I think it's because he hasnt be on a big tv or Billboard) all the media and and paparazzi were all taking photos and asking me to go on the red carpet to the disney awards show and I saidWell um yesI was so happy.The next day I was up early getting my uniform all ready and my hair and stuff, then the limo came and we went.

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