Wednesday 31 May 2017

100 word stroy

Late one afternoon my family and I went to the zoo. We hopped out of the car and ran inside. Within the small orange door way was a big wide new world stepping into. Mum walked into the cafe so we followed behind , a man was picking something off the top self when it all COLLAPSED  the man looked in shock . Mum got a coffee and we went into the zoo . The first thing we did was go to see  the crocodile . He was opening his mouth then shutting it , it was a cool sight. But my brother got scared .

Success criteria
Use a variety of sentence beginnings
Use punctuation
Add adjectives and verbs
Use a variety of sentence lengths   
To help you:
Use the GREEN Edingly pyramid
Dictionary/Thesaurus to search for WOW words

Success criteria
Sentence beginnings

Verbs and Nouns   

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