Wednesday 31 May 2017

Draft -100 word story

Draft- Ella
Early one morning Samantha was sleeping, when a screaming noise came in through her . She slowly opened her eyes while her mums face was in front of her. She jumped up and with that she started to get ready. Samantha Then ran down the stairs and into the kitchen and made herself breakfast , mum walked in and said What are you eating ?” and how does it taste Samantha just looked and mum walked off. She got into the car. They were driving , brother jimmy said Is there something wrong with it or is it just me?”.  Then  few hours later we had pies and I just couldnt eat it so I threw it out the window

Success criteria
Use a variety of sentence beginnings
Use punctuation
Add adjectives and verbs
Use a variety of sentence lengths   
To help you:
Use the GREEN Edingly pyramid
Dictionary/Thesaurus to search for WOW words
Sentence beginnings

Verbs and Nouns

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