Wednesday 31 May 2017

Halloween madness

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“Mum where’s my costume” screams Abby “it’s in the closet ” said mum. Abby ran and got it she was mumbling
“ where’s my unicorn” I opened the closet and what is that?. A  knight a. . . a viking. I got it on and I hated it. MUMMY why did you buy me this . “it looks so cute on you” said mum Abby fround and got her lolly basket and went trick or treat at one house a kid opened the door and stole a hand full of candy. She screamed and ran to the next house to get candy with her friend when she got home. Abby left the candy on the bench and walked to get changed into her pj’s , when she came back down the stairs the candy basket was gone.

Screenshot 2016-05-30 at 10.31.57.png 

selfie writting draft Ella

Success criteria
Use a variety of sentence beginnings
Use punctuation
Add adjectives and verbs
Use a variety of sentence lengths   
To help you:
Use the GREEN Edingly pyramid
Dictionary/Thesaurus to search for WOW words

Success criteria
Sentence beginnings
Verbs and Nouns
Photo writing
One day I was walking down the street on my holiday . . . Well not so much. I was jumping from roof to roof as in my supergirl suit on a mission looking for joker. As I was jumping over an alleyway as I saw a purple hat and I guessed it was joker so I jumped down . Then saw it was, so I and flew up with joker under my arm and took him to jail .On the way back to my headquarters  and told Superman that I captured joker he was embarrassed because he had tried to catch him before and failed . The next day Superman and I were walking down one of the main streets in new york and there were lots of billboards around, out of  the side of my eye , me on a billboard , in my uniform on the big board so I told superman and he was having a straight face on.
(I think it's because he hasnt be on a big tv or Billboard) all the media and and paparazzi were all taking photos and asking me to go on the red carpet to the disney awards show and I saidWell um yesI was so happy.The next day I was up early getting my uniform all ready and my hair and stuff, then the limo came and we went.

Selfie Writting

Success criteria
Sentence beginnings
Verbs and Nouns
Selfie Writing - 2nd Draft
I was just walking down to the  beach of California and what's that? That over there oh, it's such a beautiful rock and it was painted . Wait WHAT it’s it’s me what? . I rubbed my eyes and it was still here I once again rubbed them again and it was still there so I kept walking. Then when I came closer to the rock ( to be truthful I really thought it was amazing ) I saw there were hearts as you know I am supergirl. As this was just getting in my brain I thought Wow I love my fans”. And then Oh all the Paparazzi started running up with their

cameras and phones sounding like a swarm of rattlesnakes shaking their tails.  I was just like Oh, Um, hi/bye .  I flew up up and away and smiled for some photos in the air than flew away like supergirl  .

100 word stroy

Late one afternoon my family and I went to the zoo. We hopped out of the car and ran inside. Within the small orange door way was a big wide new world stepping into. Mum walked into the cafe so we followed behind , a man was picking something off the top self when it all COLLAPSED  the man looked in shock . Mum got a coffee and we went into the zoo . The first thing we did was go to see  the crocodile . He was opening his mouth then shutting it , it was a cool sight. But my brother got scared .

Success criteria
Use a variety of sentence beginnings
Use punctuation
Add adjectives and verbs
Use a variety of sentence lengths   
To help you:
Use the GREEN Edingly pyramid
Dictionary/Thesaurus to search for WOW words

Success criteria
Sentence beginnings

Verbs and Nouns   

Draft -100 word story

Draft- Ella
Early one morning Samantha was sleeping, when a screaming noise came in through her . She slowly opened her eyes while her mums face was in front of her. She jumped up and with that she started to get ready. Samantha Then ran down the stairs and into the kitchen and made herself breakfast , mum walked in and said What are you eating ?” and how does it taste Samantha just looked and mum walked off. She got into the car. They were driving , brother jimmy said Is there something wrong with it or is it just me?”.  Then  few hours later we had pies and I just couldnt eat it so I threw it out the window

Success criteria
Use a variety of sentence beginnings
Use punctuation
Add adjectives and verbs
Use a variety of sentence lengths   
To help you:
Use the GREEN Edingly pyramid
Dictionary/Thesaurus to search for WOW words
Sentence beginnings

Verbs and Nouns