Tuesday 8 August 2017

Pollution in our sea’s (speech)

Pollution in our sea’s  (speech)

1.) Intro
Can think of  loads of sea creatures who are dying because of your rubbish!?  Rubbish that you can’t be bothered to put in a bin!  Like your chippie packet and glad wrap that was around your delicious sandwich at lunchtime. This pollution  needs to stop. You are killing our oceans.

2.)what happens when you drop your rubbish
When you grab your ham and cheese sandwich ready to toast. You unwrap it and then drop the rubbish and think it will just stay there. BUT NO the next day it is pouring down outside your little piece of gladwrap starts heading down for the drain. Then it's in the drain and is making its way to the sea. It floats out of the drain and then a baby sea turtle swims into the glad wrap then YOU BECOME A MURDER!!!

Each year 1 million seabirds and 100,000 sea mammals are killed and suffocated BY PLASTIC  and we are losing most of our sea animals because of this.Soon they will all be extinct from the rubbish That you drop.

4.)the ending
So I hope you understand how bad pollution is and how big it is to our sea animals this shouldn't be happening if we all didn't litter.and it may be happening couse of our rubbish

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